Monday, August 24, 2015

September 2015: Prophetic Alignment

     September of 2015 is fast approaching and many people are in the church and of the world are fast asleep in a coma of material gain, entertainment, vice, and other cares of this world. September has the potential to bring a major shaking to the world in terms of geopolitics, finance, and prophecy. While I don't like to set dates, it would be foolish to overlook September as being another Y2K or 2012 in light of the convergence of prophetic warnings and events, as well as the fact that these things are happening according to God's calendar. Let's dive into all of these events that will soon take place.

     As I mentioned in my last post, Johnathan Cahn has done extensive research on this strange seven year cycle known as the "Shemitah". For the sake of time, I won't go into all of the details, but the Shemitah is a time of release or in some cases, collapse. The ancient Israelites were commanded to work the fields for 6 years and let the the land rest for the 7th year. It was designed to be a blessing. Debts would be forgiven and captives would be freed, but if Israel didn't obey, it would be a curse, which is a primary reason why Israel was taken captive by the Babylonians for 70 years. Interestingly enough, some of America's largest stock market crashes and economic collapses have happened on the day of the Shemitah. For example, September 17, 2001, which is Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar saw the largest stock market crash in US history up until that point. It also fell on Rosh Hashanah. If we fast forward 7 years later, the recession came. On September 29, 2008, which also is on Elul 29 (varies every year) and Rosh Hashanah, an even larger economic crash happened. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and other banking institutions such as Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, Royal Bank of Scotland, etc. had to be bailed out. Even more astounding, the stock market dropped 777.7 points, which is a 7% drop. That was God's way of showing that this is more than a mere coincidence. On September 13 of this year, another 7 year Shemitah cycle will conclude, which also happens to be on Elul 29 and Rosh Hashanah. As we near September, we are seeing financial warning signs with the unstable stock market, Greece's economic catastrophe, China's economic uncertainty, and the U.S. national debt, which is well over 18 trillion. I can almost guarantee a global economic collapse due to the world's already shaky economic situation toppled with the our world's immorality and rejection of Yeshua. This brings us to the Year of Jubilee, which begins this September.

     The Jubilee is a period of 49 years, or 7 Shemitah years. Only on Yom Kippur can a Jubilee be declared. Biblically speaking, we see the Jubilee in Leviticus 25. On Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, Israel was supposed to announce the beginning of Jubilee with trumpets. While Jubilee is a period of 49 years, the 50th year would be consecrated as holy. Liberty would be proclaimed and the theme of "return" would be practiced, meaning that property would be returned, people would return to their families/clans, etc. While we don't have records of the original Jubilee cycle, we do know the Shemitah's. From deductive reasoning and in light of prophetic milestones, we can conclude that the last 2 Jubilee years had great significance. In 1917, the Ottoman Empire fell and the Balfour Declaration was signed, allowing for a Jewish state in Palestine. 50 years later, on June 7, 1967, Israel won the Six Day War, which allowed them to recapture their capital, Jerusalem. Famed scientist, Isaac Newton, believed that the 70 weeks of Daniel were talking about Christ's first and second comings, not just His first coming. Since the seven 'sevens' and sixty-two 'sevens' are distinguished separately, he thus believed that the seven 'sevens' was talking about His second coming, which so happens to be a Jubilee cycle. Interestingly enough, when we count seven 'sevens' (49 years) on a 360 day calendar from June 7, 1967, we arrive at September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement. Many people view this day as a potential day for judgement to commence. Just as 9/11 was used many times in movies and TV shows prior to the date, September 23 seems to be a popular date used in entertainment. It may be mere coincidence, but it could also be legitimate predictive programming. I firmly believe that a major shaking will occur in September, although I am unsure of what exactly will happen. Regardless, it is still vitally important to be right with the Lord in light of these things.

     It is also important to be aware of the signs in the Heavens. In Genesis, God created the sun, moon, and stars to serve as signs. In Joel, as well as in Luke, the sun turning to sackcloth and the moon turning to blood would be signs signaling God's judgement, also known as "The Day of the Lord". Sackcloth suns, also known as solar eclipses, and blood moons are not particularly rare occurrences, but when they happen on Biblical feast days, we should pay attention. For example, the last two times blood moons fell on feast days in a tetrad were 1948 and 1967. These two years gave rise to the reestablishment of national Israel and Jerusalem being reestablished as her eternal capital, which are prophetic milestones. This brings us to September 2015. There will be a partial solar eclipse on September 13, which is Rosh Hashanah, and the final blood moon in a tetrad will occur on September 28, which is the Feast of Tabernacles. Prophetically speaking, the Feast of Tabernacles is a picture of Christ's millennial reign when He will tabernacle among men. Interesting to note, the last blood moon will be visible in Jerusalem unlike the previous three from last year and April of this year. Since the Jews got their homeland back (not all of it) and their capital back during the last two blood moon tetrads, what could happen in the next couple months and years? There is a ton of speculation, but the third temple could very well be built in Jerusalem, which would be an amazing fulfillment of Bible prophecy in light of the Muslim Dome of the Rock boldly sitting on the temple mount. The temple institute has been vigilant in raising support for the building of the third temple and has been searching for the perfect red heifer. How a Jewish temple can be built on the temple mount is anyone's guess, but we know from scripture that there has to be a temple for the antichrist to desecrate. My guess is that the antichrist's "covenant with many" in Daniel 9:27 will give Israel permission to build the temple. For all we know, the temple could be built next to the Dome of the Rock. Another theory suggests that the Dome of the Rock could be turned into an interfaith temple, although I'm not sure how the Muslims would get on board with that. It is hard to say how this will happen, but the Bible clearly outlines the future of Jerusalem and the temple mount.

     Also, Pope Francis will visit the United States in September. On September 23 (coincidence?), Pope Francis will meet with President Obama at the White House. On September 25, he will address the United Nations, which will be the 70th UN meeting. Some of this speaking points will include climate change and poverty, although many suggest that he will outline an agenda for a one world government or "New World Order" that many elite such as George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Joe Biden have pushed for. It is also important to be aware of the prophecy of the popes, a detailed prophecy by 12th century Archbishop, Saint Malachy Morgair. In this prophecy, he gave a Latin phrase for every pope from his time until God's judgement. From Malachy's day, there have been 112 popes, Pope Francis being the 112th on the list. The last pope on the list is known as Petros Romanus (Peter the Roman). He will issue God's final judgement and Rome will be destroyed.  Even though Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) isn't named Peter and is of Argentinian descent rather than Italian, these Latin phrases uttered by Saint Malachy don't give actual names. Instead, they gave characteristics or interesting events surrounding a pope's life. Even though Pope Francis seems like a humanitarian who cares for the environment and the poor, the Bible warns of false prophets who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Additionally, the second beast of Revelation, known as the False Prophet, is a religious leader and is described as a "lamb with two horns", but "speaks as a dragon". Pope Francis has made some rather controversial statements about the Christian faith. For instance, he said that atheists who do good are redeemed and he has refused to condemn homosexuality as a sin. In addition, he has warned that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is dangerous. The Vatican is also warning that the appearance of alien life could make us rethink question the entire Gospel and Pope Francis has even offered to baptize an alien should we come into contact with one. For the record, I don't believe in extraterrestrial life, but I do believe that demons masquerade as aliens to deceive people. Somehow, I believe that the rapture of the church or "catching away" will be tied into the "great delusion" spoken by Paul in 2 Thessalonians. If millions of Christians suddenly disappeared without a trace, the global elite will need an explanation. Since many people are predisposed to believing in aliens because of Hollywood, video games, T.V. shows, etc., I could easily see an alien invasion scenario as a convenient way to explain away the rapture. I don't believe Pope Francis' trip to the U.S. in September is by chance. I believe that the elite know what is on the horizon and are getting ready to unleash their wicked agenda in the attempt to war against God and His saints.

     Speaking of wicked agendas, CERN has been a hot topic within prophetic circles. CERN, which is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is located in Geneva, Switzerland and contains the large Hadron Collider, which is the largest machine in the world, extending miles long. This particle accelerator smashes atoms, hoping to find the Higgs Boson, known as the "God particle". This "God particle" is supposed to hold everything in existence. Their agenda is to recreate the "Big Bang", which of course is just a theory. Brilliant physicist, Steven Hawking, has been outspoken in warning about the dangers of the "God particle" and believes that it could destroy the universe. Basically, CERN is trying to play God. In addition, CERN is playing around with worm holes in hopes of exploring other dimensions. Sergio Bertolucci, director of research at CERN has even publicly stated, "Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it." With this in mind, we read in Revelation 9 that the Abyss will open, releasing a horde of powerful locusts and their king would be called Apollyon. Back during the time of the Roman Empire, much of the territory that CERN occupies was called Apolliacum. This town was dedicated to the Hindu god, Shiva, the goddess of destruction. Interestingly enough, a statue of Shiva is located outside of CERN's headquarters. It is fascinating that Shiva and Apollyon share the name: Destroyer. Coincidence? I think not. Whether or not CERN finds the "God particle" or extra-dimensional portals, they are playing a dangerous game. Now, what does CERN have to do with September? Well, CERN is prepared to restart the Hadron Collider in September. The weird thing is that if you type in September 23, 2015 in Google Earth, it brings up CERN's location. Whether this is a hoax or not, it is still interesting to consider. Overall, CERN, much like the Tower of Babel, isn't dealing with the natural. This project is supernatural in nature, aided by a demonic level of curiosity and rebellion against God. If CERN achieves what they are searching for, our world could spiral into a level of horror our world has never seen. Our Bible would describe this period as the " Great Tribulation".

     Finally, here are some of the overlooked aspects of September. First, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, on May 13, 2014 that "we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos." 500 days later would take us to September 24, 2015. I don't know what to make of this proclamation, but its worth noting because of the time frame. In addition, a vote will be made on France's proposal for a Palestinian state. This time around, President Obama will likely abandon Israel in favor of the measure. With over 130 countries already recognizing Palestine, it is only a matter of time before the UN forces Israel's hand under the guise of "peace and security". Another thing to note is this Madonna concert that will take place in September. Her opening theme is called "Desecration of the Bride" and "Arrival of Fallen Angels". The music industry is one of Satan's major tools and Madonna has definitely showed her allegiance to Lucifer throughout her career. Overall, September should be a very interesting month. I am not saying that the rapture and tribulation will happen in September, but I will sure be watching. Regardless of what happens, there are simply too many things converging all at once for September to be just another month on the calendar.




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