Monday, August 17, 2015

Mystery Babylon: An Overview

     How many times have you heard prophecy students and scholars get confused with the end times phrases, "Babylon" and "Mystery Babylon". They often get lumped into one category, which adds to the confusion. Additionally, people either try to make end times Babylon into a metaphorical concept or countries/organizations such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, etc. are often given the label as "Mystery Babylon". The key to unlocking this mystery, as alluded by the title, "Mystery Babylon", is to understand John's point of view and also to view scripture as ultimate authority on the matter. Let me be clear. This is nowhere near an essential component of salvation, but it is in the Bible for a reason. Thus, it is an important part of not only prophecy, but history.

     "Mystery Babylon", described in the book of Revelation, is characterized as a harlot that rides the beast, not the beast itself. If we make that distinction, our understanding will greatly increase. First, we must understand the word, "harlot", in this context not as a literal prostitute, but as a spiritual fornicator. In other words, the harlot is a religious entity that claims to know God, but actually engages in false worship. As we read more text, the harlot is described as wearing purple and scarlet, as well as "being adorned with gold and precious stones." She is also holding a golden cup in her hand. These are striking clues that lead to the Roman Catholic Church system in Rome. Purple and scarlet are the official colors of Bishops and Cardinals respectively. The golden cup mentioned in Revelation 17:4 may very well refer to the golden chalice often seen held by popes. Traditionally, this golden cup is believed to be the cup used at the Last Supper. Sadly, though, instead of getting drunk on the blood of Christ, the papacy has gotten "drunk with the blood of the saints" as described in Revelation 17:6. I will describe that in greater detail next time. Additionally, Vatican City, despite being the smallest sovereign country on earth, is a multi-billion dollar operation, adorned with valuable artwork and artifacts. Jesus commands us to seek first His kingdom, but the Catholic Church system has chased after power, money, and material riches over the course of its existence. Kings have certainly committed spiritual and political fornication with her system of corruption. As Christ followers, we are not to be loved by the world, but the papacy has wielded tremendous authority over world leaders. John, in Revelation 17:6, wonders greatly at the woman. If pagan Rome under Nero for example, John wouldn't be surprised, but since this is an entity that claims to represent Christ, I can see his level of disbelief.

     As I mentioned previously, Revelation makes a clear distinction between the beast and the woman.The beast out of the sea is a political/militarily entity controlled by the world dictator known as the antichrist. The beast out of the earth is the woman we are talking about. She is described as a religious entity that will force everyone to receive a mark on their hand or forehead. Her leader will likely be a satanically inspired pope known as the "false prophet". In Revelation 17:9, John makes a point that the 7 heads of the Beast also connect to the woman. "The seven heads are seven mountains , and they are 7 kings." (Revelation 17:9-10) It is widely known that  Rome is situated on 7 hills, although that is not the foundation of this mystery since other cities such as Mecca, Saudi Arabia and Istanbul, Turkey also sit on 7 hills. The 7 kings are a little more tricky, but they are believed to be 7 empires that are critical in scripture and related to end times: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and the 7th empire, which will continue for a short space before being swallowed up by the antichrist"s 8th kingdom. In Revelation 17:18, it states, "The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." Obviously, in John's day, Rome was that great city. John might have very well referred to Rome as Mystery Babylon for his own protection. If emperor Domitian knew John was writing specifically about Rome, he would have likely been killed or at the very least, his writings would be destroyed. So, what is the fate of Mystery Babylon?

     Before we look at Mystery Babylon's ultimate doom, I want to draw your attention to an overlooked and obscure prophecy in Zechariah 5. The chapter describes a woman called "wickedness" sitting in a basket. A stork, which is an unclean bird, carries the woman to Babylon in modern day Iraq to build a place for her. I am not dogmatic about this verse, but it could very well describe the Catholic Church system moving its headquarters to a literal Babylon in the future. It could, though, just refer to the one world religion, not the Catholics in particular, having its base at Babylon. Putting that aside, the woman will eventually be hated by the beast and the ten kings despite their common bond at first. She will be left naked and burned with fire. In Revelation 17:17, it states, "For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose, by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God be fulfilled." As evil as the beast system will be, they will be used by God, just like God used Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to accomplish His will. Then, God will judge the beast system.

     In Revelation 18, we are put in a dicey situation. While it appears to refer to the woman's judgement, it could also refer to political Babylon's judgement or it could refer to both. There is still conjecture whether there will be a rebuilt Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates, although Saddam Hussein spent millions of dollars to rebuild its ruins which could play a significant role. The United Nations is also considering moving out of New York, which could open up a spot in the ancient ruins of Babylon (modern day Hillah, Iraq). Either way, Babylon's ultimate destruction will involve literal cities and entities such as Rome, although it won't be confined to Rome. Babylon represents all evil and idolatry throughout human history. It is said that all false worship originates from Babel under Nimrod and his wife Semaramis. I won't go into all the details, but for example, Semaramis was known as the "Queen of Heaven". This title has been passed on to many different cultures and nations under other names. The virgin Mary, for example, is known by many Catholics as the "Queen of Heaven" and is prayed to. It doesn't matter if we pray/worship Mary or if we are worshiping Satan. We are commanded to worship God alone. I can definitely see why Rome is referred to "Mystery Babylon". This system has perpetuated human tradition and idolatry such as praying to the saints, celebrating pagan holiday's, giving god-like status to the papacy, and enslaving the "souls of men",as Revelation 18:13 suggests. God commands people to "come out of her my people" (Revelation 18:4).  Overall, this is not an attack on Catholics, but rather on the system as a whole. There is no historical validity to Peter's apostolic succession or Biblical truth to a papacy, confession to priests, purgatory, prayer to the saints, indulgences, etc. I encourage sincere Catholics to read scripture and study their church history because it will change their whole outlook on what salvation means.

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