Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Analyzing the Jubilee Prophecy of Judah Ben Samuel

     I try to be extra cautious when dealing with extra-Biblical prophecies, but one particular prophecy by Judah Ben Samuel, a late 12th-early 13th German Rabbi, is very intriguing and can't be overlooked. Since prophecy is a true gift of the spirit that still manifests itself even in today's age, it is important to judge prophecies based upon two key principles: do they line up with scripture and do they come to pass? For this prophecy, unlike the famous Rabbi Kaduri, Ben Samuel didn't specifically name the Messiah, so it is unknown whether he accepted Yeshua sometime in his life. However, whether he accepted the messiah or not, God sometimes works through people who don't know him. Nebuchadnezzar, for example, was given prophetic dreams despite being a pagan king. He couldn't interpret his prophecies, though. Interestingly enough, Nebuchadnezzar even wrote Daniel 4. So, let's take a look at the actual prophecy.

     During Ben Samuel's life, the Mamluks controlled Jerusalem. Ben Samuel prophesied that once the Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem, there would be 8 Jubilee cycles. According to scripture, a Jubilee cycle is 50 years. After these 8 cycles are complete, Jerusalem would be a no-man's land for one Jubilee cycle. After that, the Messianic era would begin. He's not saying the Messiah would return right then, but it would occur during that time frame. So, let's look at the facts.

     8 Jubilee cycles is equal to 400 years. The Ottoman Empire overthrew the Mamluks in 1517 and just like the prophecy, ruled over Jerusalem for 400 years. In 1917, under command of General Edmund Allenby, the British took control of Jerusalem. Miraculously, the Ottoman Turkish army surrendered at the request of Allenby because they mistranslated his name. Instead of Allenby, they thought the note said Allah-Beh, which means "son of God" in Arabic. Just like when the Persian army under King Cyrus, another servant of God, took over Babylon without a battle, Allenby and his British forces conquered the Turks without a battle. This was too divine to be considered a mere accident. That same year, 1917, Arthur Balfour issued his famous Balfour declaration to Lord Rothschild with the hopes of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. The fulfillment came in 1948, but Jerusalem remained a "no-man's land" from 1917 to 1967 just like Ben Samuel's prophecy foretold. From 1948 to 1967, Jerusalem was divided between Israel (West Jerusalem) and Jordan (East Jerusalem). Israel finally regained Jerusalem in the 6 day war on June 7, 1967. The Zionist conspiracy theorists will probably go crazy with this, but whether the state of Israel was established by just means or not, God still has a purpose for the people of Israel. In light of the prophecy so far, what happens next?

     Even though the original Jubilee cycles are lost to antiquity, we still have records of the Shemitah, which is a cycle of 7 years in which ancient Israel had to work the land for 6 years and they were commanded to rest on the 7th year. The 7th year would be a release of debt or an economic reset. Rabbi Johnathan Cahn is an expert on this matter. I advise you to check out his books, The Harbinger and Mystery of the Shemitah. 7 Shemitah cycles equal 49 years, which leads into the Jubilee, which is sort of like a super-Shemitah, if you will. Where am I going with this? In September of this year, 2015, the Shemitah year will end, which could result in judgement considering that the last two Shemitah cycles (2001 and 2008) ended with judgement. Does 9/11 and the 2008 stock market crash ring any bells? It is said that Shemitah can be a blessing for nations that follow God, but judgment for nations who rebel. It is said that Judah's 70 year captivity in Babylon corresponds to their failure to follow the Shemitah. Anyways, we are also nearing the end of the Jubilee cycle. In fact, September 2015 will lead into the 49th year (2016) in which the Jubilee cycle will conclude. Then, 2017 will begin a new Jubilee cycle, which will 50 year's since the Jews recaptured Jerusalem.

     To throw another interesting wrench into all of this, Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most brilliant man to ever live, was a devout Biblical scholar and particularly loved the Book of Daniel. When studying the 70 weeks of Daniel, he concluded that the 62 "sevens" (434 years) were referring to Christ's first coming and the first part, the 7 "sevens" (49 years) were referring to Christ's second coming. Interestingly enough, using a 360 day calendar, when you count 49 years from June 7th, 1967, you get September 23, 2015. This is the Day of Atonement, which is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and also the only day in which a Jubilee can be declared. While I try not to set dates, I still like to be aware of God's calendar. With all of the other geo-political stepping stones taking place, Matthew 24 signs, and wide-spread apostasy, not to mention the final blood moon taking place in September, there is reason to suggest that the Lord's return is imminent.


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